Sunday, October 27, 2019

Day 70: Returning to Routine

Good afternoon Gamecocks and fellow readers!

     It's a cloudy day today in Baton Rouge as it has been raining the past couple of days. It was a big time this past weekend. The LSU football team had a tough fight against Auburn, but ultimately pulled through in the end. Once again, campus was full of tailgaters and students alike. Even when it's raining, there is always a festive mood on campus during gamedays. You would be hard pressed to find an LSU football game where people are not in a good mood.

     The earlier parts of the week saw many students returning from Fall break with classes in full swing. Personally, I started my week off with two exams and a quiz. Even if its after a break, always be prepared for when classes enter into full swing. None the less, it was a good week at LSU. I am saddened to say that I did not do much exploring in the past week. Most of my time was devoted towards getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully I will have much more to tell you about on the next post! Until next time, take care!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Day 65: On the Road Again

Good morning Gamecocks and fellow readers!

      Hopefully you are doing well on this wonderful Tuesday morning! Today has finally seen to the return of sunshine here in Baton Rouge as it has been raining the past couple of days. The weather is starting to get a bit colder, so it's time to break out the jeans and jackets.

      Last week was a very exciting week! The students here at LSU finally got to take a break from testing and assignments and leave Wednesday for fall break! I left immediately after class and headed West towards the city of Dallas, Texas, with my girlfriend to visit her family. It was a long seven hour drive and there was not a whole a lot between here and there. If you ever want to travel from Baton Rouge to Dallas, make sure you stop for gas in bigger towns as its usually cheaper. Any of the stops in between will more than likely sell you more expensive gas. After watching the beautiful Texas sunset, we arrived in Texas without any major complications.

     As I learned in the days that ensued, there certainly is not a lack of things to do in Dallas. We were busy each and every day. In Dallas, there are malls everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Not only is there mall every couple of blocks it feels, but the malls themselves are also massive. You would be hard pressed to find a shop in a Texas mall that didn't suit your needs. We also enjoyed a hefty game of Top Golf, where I found out that you don't always have to be good at golf to have a good time. I also had my first taste of an In-N-Out burger and it was pretty good for how fast they made it.

      Later in the week, my girlfriend's family and I traveled further into downtown. There we visited the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, which was a fantastic experience! The Perot had an exhibit on just about any topic you can think of. It also had plenty of interactive experiences that allowed to be engaged with the exhibits. After the Perot, we went to El Fenix for lunch. El Fenix is a true Tex-Mex restaurant and the food there was pretty incredible. It's definitely worth a visit if you are ever in Dallas. We ended the day by walking around downtown and visiting the infamous spot where Kennedy was shot.

     Overall, I can safely say that we only covered a fraction of what Dallas had offer and it was amazing! If you are ever have the chance to visit, I would whole heartedly recommend it. I know for me at least, I miss the experience a whole lot.

One of the exhibits from the Perot.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Day 59: A Game to Remember

      Good morning Gamecocks and fellow readers! Hopefully you are doing well on this rainy Louisiana day. It has been raining almost nonstop for the past couple of the days. One thing I have learned about Louisiana is that it is very prone to flooding should enough rain fall. For students, this means that getting across campus becomes quite the puzzle. Should you visit Louisiana, always carry an umbrella on you and be prepared to leap across some puzzles.

     Rainy weather aside, last week was a pretty good one. The week saw to the normal routine of attending classes and making sure I studied hard enough for my test. However, we had the biggest the football season so far coming up on Saturday. Both LSU and Florida were undefeated so it meant that one of the two teams would finally be defeated. The game also received a lot of attention due to two more factors. Firstly, College Gameday was on campus in order to cover the game. Gameday is a show that goes to a different college every week in order to cover athletic games. One of my classes was next to the Gameday set up and the shouting was so loud you could hear it through the walls.

     Secondly, it was homecoming week here at LSU. Events were in full stride every single day and many alumni came back. Homecoming events included a silent disco, concert, parade, alligator cook off, and many more. Overall, everyone was pretty excited for this game to happen. Come gameday, campus was abuzz with people tailgating in any and every space that was open. The game itself was amazing. For a while, the game was closer than most of us would like, but LSU pulled through for the win in the end. 

      The week ahead is very exciting for us students because, starting tomorrow, fall break begins. I will be driving to Dallas, Texas to finally see what it is like. I'm excited for this new experience and take a breather from all my classes. Until next time!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Day 50: Keep on Keeping on

     Good evening Gamecocks and fellow readers! Hopefully you are doing well on this wonderful start to week! Today it finally rained here in Louisiana after not raining for almost two weeks, which is unusual. Usually, it feels as if it rains every other day. Weather forecast aside, its time I filled you in on the events of last week.

      Last week was less of an exciting week than the previous ones have been. Most of it was dedicated to homework and staying on top of my classes. However, I did finally had the opportunity to visit the Student Health Center on campus. It offers the whole variety of services that you would expect from a student health center. However, it is also as busy as you would expect. As a last minute visitor not in an emergency, it was hard to get an appointment the day of. If you ever need to visit there for a regular check-up, I would recommend calling at least a week ahead of time. That ensures that you are able to get the best time possible to meet your scheduling needs.

      Nothing too exciting happened the rest of the week. Life went on as it usually does. However, I was lucky enough to see LSU beat Utah State in the heat (which it's surprisingly hot for the fall here). Take care and until next time!