Once again, warmth and rain have returned to Baton Rouge. When you live here, you have to get used to weather not acting along a set plan. You never know what the day might hold in store for you. Most students here almost always carry a small umbrella on them just in case. Nonetheless, the rain has done little to nothing to hamper the students' spirits. Everyone is excited and ready for the upcoming Thanksgiving break! Once the break is over, it will be a week of studying and then finals. This semester is quickly coming to a close.
Last weekend saw the football team triumph over Arkansas. Campus was once again filled with tailgaters filling every space they could find. Even restaurants will come and set up tents to celebrate the game. Unfortunately the best picture I took (placed below), does not do the LSU tailgate justice. The closer you get to the stadium, the crazier it gets.
Overall, the rest of the week was more of the usual. Classes were attempting to squeeze in final test and quizzes before the break coming up this week. Everyone else was busy finalizing their travel plans. Personally, I am pretty excited to go home. As the title says, it has been 100 days since I last was home and saw my family. It'll be nice to be home and take a break from my course work. Hopefully it will give me the burst of energy I need to finish out the semester. Once I'm through my exams, I will give you all my final thoughts on the National Student Exchange program,
Until then, take care!