Monday, September 23, 2019

Day 37: The Good Ol' Days

     Good afternoon Gamecocks and other readers! It's that time of the week again!  As per usual, the weekdays did not see too much excitement. Exam week had officially kicked off! LSU does their exams a bit differently than how it is in South Carolina. Most of the larger classes will have you schedule a session in the testing center. The testing center is a large, 400+ computer testing center that facilitates all of LSU's electronic test. This ensures that, even in large classes, the tests are still monitored and regulated. However, as I discovered today, the testing center can be a little finicky. Sometimes the test are not uploading correctly, which means that you cannot always access your test even though you have an appointment. So its always beneficial to not wait to last minute to schedule your test or you might risk missing it due to technical difficulties.

      Despite my testing mishaps, its been a great experience here at Louisiana State University. However, the National Student Exchange was right about missing home from time to time. It truly is a huge adjustment to go to another University. Not only are you in a different city, but you are also in an different university where the entire process is different. This has also been the first time in my life where going home is not a decision I can casually make. I know this sounds like I've abandoned all hope of adjusting to life here, but that's not the case. The biggest help to me in this shift in my life is the fact that I made connections here. I had friends who I could count on to help me get through the whole process. They have truly helped me in feeling like I belong here and that this whole experience is worth it.

P.S. As a bonus, below is a picture of Mike the Tiger (the school's mascot). It may or may not be related to me feeling guilty about not posting more pictures.

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